Kinder Play



Kinder Play: Gymnastics in Western Sydney

Kinder Play is a laid-back, flexible, and fun gymnastics program for children aged 10 to 24 months. The relaxed, unstructured time is perfect for fostering your child’s development and is all about fun and play while your little one grows and explores. Kinder Play not only promotes social interaction between children but is a fun and friendly setting for parents to meet and socialise, while enjoying quality time with their little ones.

What Kinder Play Offers:

– Spend quality time with your little one

– Have fun together

– Meet and chat with fellow parents

– Relax and socialise in a friendly space

Book Now
Click Book Now to be directed to the online booking page and select one of the Kinder Play.
Lesson Length
45 mins
10 to 24 months
Casual sessions
3 Visit Pass
5 Visit Pass
Register today
Designed for youngsters who have already mastered basic recreational gymnastic skills and are ready to take their skills to the next level.
Register Here

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