Thank you

Thank you for submitting your registration to SGAC's Holiday Intensive Program.

You will receive an email shortly, confirming your registration.

If you have any questions, please contact our friendly Customer Service team via phone or email.


Phone: 02 9851 5811


Have you heard of SGAC Vacation Care?

Vacation Care is designed for children aged 7 -14 to have fun in a safe environment, whilst actively learning and making new friends! They will be occupied ALL day with a whole range of activities in both our gymnastics hall and swimming pools so make sure you bring your swimmers and sports gear. Some sessions will be all about fun, others might teach water safety or balance and coordination.

Monday 17 - Friday 21 April

9:00am - 4:00pm

We accept Active Kids & Creative Kids vouchers. Simply submit your voucher number with your booking request.

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